Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Inner Longings

Did you ever consider that God puts longings in our hearts in order that we execute them?- Anonymous

There are many longings in our heart. Some noble, some moral, some immoral, some down right weird. Not all of our longings should be followed. Having unprotected sex with strangers - dangerous. Eating an entire box of ice cream - less dangerous, but still has consequences. However, have you ever had a dream that you were too afraid to follow? Did you want to be a writer, a poet, a painter, a great politician, a missionary, but you never really followed through? Or perhaps you tried and were scorned or ridiculed by your friends and family. Or perhaps you weren't - perhaps you were just ignored. Don't let them stop you. You are an amazing person, and you deserve to achieve your dreams, provided they don't hurt yourself or others. If you want to be a writer, then write. You don't have to be published to be a writer. You don't even have to be good to be a writer. A writer writes, and that's that. If you want to be a poet, then write poetry. If you're afraid that someone will find it, write it in the sand as the tide's coming in. Write it down and then burn the paper. Write it down and mail it anonymously to your favorite magazine or celebrity. Painters paint. It's a little harder to hide your painting if you're afraid of ridicule. But you can take a class. Or brazen it out and let people find your paintings. Or keep just one canvas that you use over and over again, repeatedly covering your paintings so that the dream-stealers would only be able to find one at any time. If it hurts no one, then do it. Figure out a way. You can achieve great things, if you are willing to try. Be willing. Give birth to the Future of your dreams. Make the world a better place by making you a happier person. The world could use some more happiness. And the dream-stealers? The nay-sayers? The ones who ridicule you? You don't need them. You deserve better than them, and perhaps this longing in your heart is there to remind you of that, to give you a little push to separate yourself from those who seek to do you harm, who seek to keep you back, who build themselves up in their own eyes by trying to look like they're better than you, above you. They aren't better than you. They aren't above you. They are dream-stealers, but you can take your dreams back. You can keep your dreams. Protect your dreams and yourself from those that seek to do you harm. Envision and build a Future where there are no dream-stealers in your life, no abusers, no ridicule. Make that Future come true, a safe place for you and your dreams.

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