Friday, December 07, 2007


It does not matter if today's results do not show. They will in time. - Tracy from Flylady

Everything is very rushed, according to the media. Everything is “buy now” and “for a limited time only” and “only two weeks to a new you”. It leaves us with the impression that unless something happens right now, it’s not going to happen. That’s not true. Unless you give up, of course. If you allow your impatience to convince you to give up, then what you’ve been working on, working towards, may never come to be.

I won’t go into how the Grand Canyon took eons to make. It took eons. We, as humans, don’t have eons. We have years, decades. But not eons. So, let’s go with some things that took less than a lifetime to create. Humans, first of all. A human takes nine months, roughly, from conception to birth in order to be created. Each day seems very much like the previous during this time, especially during the first 3 months, before the mother begins to show. However, this is when some of the quickest changes are taking place. They’re just small, compared to what we can see.

A beautiful building can take years to complete, especially if you have to get rid of the old building that was on the site before it. Again, each day doesn’t look a whole lot different from the day before, but it is. The small changes keep piling up and making a noticeable difference between then and now.

The last Harry Potter book was published two years after book number 6. It took some hard core fans less than a day to read it. But it took two years to write. I’m fairly confident that J.K. Rowling did not wait for 1 year and 11 months and then write her book in 30 days or less. In this case, the minor results show – another page written, one more piece of editing done, an entire chapter complete, but the whole and complete package took time.

If there is something you want, be prepared for it to take some time. Maybe this time is mental preparation. Perhaps there’s something you need to “psyche yourself up for”, and that can take weeks. These weeks are not wasted, because they were needed to get you ready for what you need to do.

Maybe this is physical preparation. Maybe you want to get a sculpted body with well defined muscles. Depending on where you start, you could have a long way to go before you get there. And if you’re very much overweight, it could be quite some time before you can see the results with your eyes. But the results are there, buried beneath your skin. Slowly, your body loses its layers of fat and your muscles grow a little bit more, until one day you can see the muscle definition when you flex. This is a great day, and if you keep at it through those times of “no results”, you will get there.

It could be spiritual preparation, something you have to pray over, discuss with your spiritual advisor, or reconcile ethically. You may have been brought up one way but now believe another (especially true if your parents were abusers of any kind), and you have a difficult time to align your actions with your new beliefs. Be kind to yourself and keep taking steps to the goal.

It could be emotional preparation. Perhaps the “psyching yourself up for it” isn’t just a mental process, but an emotional one. Do you need to tell someone you love them? Do you need to leave someone? Either one of those things can be emotionally difficult, and you could need some time to get yourself prepared. Just make certain you’re not using “preparation” when what you’re really doing is “procrastinating”.

Not every wonderful thing that will happen to you or because of you will be instantaneous. Not everything will happen right away or when you expect or as soon as you expect. But the small results will happen, and they will build up over time, and eventually, what you build will come true. You can birth the Future one step at a time.

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