Thursday, February 14, 2008

Elevate Your Life

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. – Thoreau

Which is more important in this sentence – the “unquestionable” or the “conscious”? They’re both very important.

Your ability to improve your life is unquestionable. It is certain. You can improve your life. No matter how bleak it looks, it is possible for you to improve it.

But, it takes conscious effort. You have to make it happen. It’s not just a “sit back and wait” sort of thing. It takes you consciously – thinking, aware, intentionally – making the effort to improve your life.

Can your life improve by accident? Through no effort of your own? Sure. Miracles occur. Is it likely to? Not really. Not nearly as much as if you put in some effort.

It is possible for you to improve your life, if you intentionally make the effort. It’s a wonderful thing. Don’t give up hope. It may not happen right away, but it’ll happen a whole lot sooner than if you wait a year before you start making the effort. Good luck.

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