Monday, November 03, 2008

Magnify Yourself

Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant, and interesting. – Aldus Huxley

Boredom is a common complaint in America. Much too common. Why else would we have so many gadgets, gizmos, game consoles, and other devices devised to entertain us while giving us no value? But you don’t have to be bored. Some people won’t read because they don’t read quickly. It bores them to get bogged down with the words. Reading is like any other skill – the more you do it, the better you get at it. You read a whole lot better than you did when you were in first grade, don’t you? Why? Practice. Practice reading like you practiced riding your bike or writing cursive or typing or so many, many other things, and you will get better at it. And while you’re at it, read interesting things so you don’t get bored with all this practice. Ask your librarian to make some suggestions. I assure you, there are plenty of free books you can try out that you will enjoy. I cannot suggest them to you, because what I like and what you like are probably different. But, if you tell your librarian you want some books that involve your favorite subject, she’ll probably be able to find some if not a lot of them. The vast majority of life situations, sports, relationships, and jobs have some kind of non-fictional book written about them, and most of them have novels written about them, too. Check out your library and have a blast. There aren’t many lives that can’t be enhanced by reading something new. Make your life full, significant, and interesting. Make your Future those things, too.

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