Friday, October 31, 2008

One Hour a Day

[Reading] one hour a day will translate into approximately one book a week. One book a week will translate into approximately fifty books over the next twelve months. If you read an hour a day, one book per week, you will be an expert in your field within three years. You will be a national authority in five years, and you will be an international authority in seven years. – Brian Tracy

I don’t read one hour a day every day. Most days, but not every day. The suggestion is for non-fiction books all in the same field. I read a lot of fiction, but as my book reviews show, I also read a good deal of non-fiction, too, just not all of it in the same field. It’s a nice thought to be an international authority in less than ten years (giving you a little time to slack off). That’s over 350 books. There are some fields of study that don’t even have 350 books written! Still, even if you read just a half hour a day (like on your two 15 minute breaks at work – one in the morning and one in the afternoon, or during your commute perhaps with a book on tape, or any other way you want), you’ll be a national authority in ten years. How much better would you job be if you were a national authority? Would you even have that job or would you manage to create your dream job instead? Heck, even in three to six years, you will be an expert. Expert. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I’d love to be an expert in certain things. What kinds of things would you like to be an expert in? Do you want to be an expert in your Future? An authority, perhaps? You can be, if you choose to be. You can create this in your Future.

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