Friday, January 23, 2009

Packing – Your Education

Maybe you want a new job or a new career or a new field entirely. Or maybe you’re thinking about leaving the “rat race” and doing something completely different. In any of those cases, you’ll need to know a few things that you don’t know now. Rather than jumping in blindfolded, start learning now what you’ll need to know. Or, if you know what you need to learn, then learn it now rather than waiting until you’re in your new job, career, field, life.

The same goes for moving to a different part of the country or a different country. You can learn a lot about the neighborhood, the climate, the laws, the language. You can educate yourself so there won’t be quite so much culture shock when you do move.

Perhaps you’re staying put with the same job, but everything else is changing. You can still learn. There are plenty of people who have made the change you’re thinking about, and you probably will be able to find some that will help you through yours.

As you create the next chapter of your Life, of your Future, you get to keep your education, so pack now.

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