Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Starting Over

You never really start over. Not completely. Even if you end up with amnesia, a thousand miles away from anyone who knew you, you still don’t truly start over. You will still have your body and most likely a good portion of your education. You won’t have all of you, but you’ll have pieces.

In a way, this sucks. You’ll never get a “clean slate”, so to speak. But you don’t need one. Not really.

In a way, this is fantastic. What if you did have a clean slate? You’d have to make all the same mistakes over again, because you wouldn’t remember all the wisdom you gained in your life. You’d have to go back to school, you’d have to relearn how to make friends, you’d have to relearn everything.

You can start a new portion of your life, in a new place, with new people, with a new career, with a new personality if you want, but you still get to retain the wisdom and education you picked up along the way. If the previous chapter of your life sucked, at least then you know what you don’t want. It’s a start.

You don’t have to pick up and move (except in extreme cases) in order to get a new chapter of your life started. If you decide you need to make a new chapter, start “packing” now for the adventure of a lifetime.

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