Friday, September 04, 2009

Everyone is Free

One of my favorite songs is "Everyone Is Free". One of the lines in it is "Do one thing every day that scares you". So much of my new business (ad)venture is outside my comfort zone, that a lot of it scares me. So, I've been getting practice at that. I just finished a draft of a letter, and that scared me. It was just a draft. I didn't send it to any one. It didn't have to be perfect, since it was probably going to be revised. No one was going to read it, not in that form, anyway. But, it was a step on the path, a path that's leading me places I've never been but that I very much want to go to. Fear can prevent you from doing stupid things, but it can also prevent you from doing some pretty wonderful things, too. Find one wonderful, scary thing and think about it. Or if thinking about it isn't scary for you, pretend you're doing it. Or read a book about it. Or ask someone questions. Or something, something that brings that wonderful, scary thing closer into your life. It's an amazing feeling when you're done.

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