Sunday, October 01, 2006

How to stop racism

The Future I want is free from racism. Is that true for you as well? But it seems so overwhelming, to end racism. How could one possibly do it?

I have learned from Flylady that you don't need to see the entire staircase in order to take the first step. What does that mean? It means you don't need to know everything in order to do anything. Take me, for example. I don't know everything about how to create a blog. I don't know how to get readers, how to add a side list of links to places I find of interest, how to do many of the cool and nifty things that I see on other blogs. But that hasn't stopped me. I started up a blog anyway. Is my blog the way I want it to be? Not completely, but that hasn't stopped me. Does my blog look the way I want it to look? No, but that hasn't stopped me. Have I gotten any readers or any comments yet? No, but that hasn't stopped me. And it shouldn't stop you, either. You don't need to know everything to do anything. You just need to take a step in the right direction.

But how? What is that step? How do you take the step towards ending racism? Do you go out and start dating someone of a different race? Do you join the protest marches and the militant groups? Do you lay into your father, your coworkers, your spouse about their racist jokes? Eventually, perhaps. Or perhaps not. Perhaps those particular steps are not on your journey, not on your staircase. But I do know one that is.

To end racism in the world, you must end it in yourself first. To give birth to the Future free from racism, you must free yourself of it. Politics, society, and the people you know are not your first step. You are.

It's even easier than that. It has to be, for changing yourself completely is a difficult and daunting task.

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