Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Deepest Treasure

Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Some of the most wondrous things and times in our lives have come immediately after facing our fears and not backing away. Fear is what makes up the boundaries of our comfort zones. It’s like the maps of old where along the edges they would write “Here be dragons”, to let sailors know that no one knew what lay beyond the borders of the map. But the borders of the map blocked off the New World. The borders of your comfort zone can block off a New Life.

A lot of people live on the surface of life. They don’t bother with things that make them uncomfortable. They work at their safe jobs, drive home, turn on the distraction, and fall asleep mentally and emotionally long before their bodies do. And in the mornings, they do it all again. They back away from adversity or new things or change. Why? They think they have it all. And yet, these are the same people who are constantly trying to keep up with the Joneses. Why? Because the Joneses have more than they do. It’s amazing how a person can “have it all”, until their neighbor gets a new car. And then they want a new car. A new car is their dream. Or a new TV or lawn mower or whatever.

Even their dreams are small.

Their comfort zones are small, and their dreams are small. If they’re going to spend enough money to get a new car, why not go to France instead? They obviously have a perfectly good (if a few years old) car in their own garage. Why keep following in the footsteps of their neighbors? Why not live a little differently? Or if not France, what about dance lessons or music lessons or saving the money and joining a public speaking group? They want to be noticed and different and admired, but only in exactly the same way that they notice and admire other people. Different really doesn’t quite make it from their claims to their true wishes.

What about you?

Are your dreams small? Is your comfort zone small? Do you want them to be small? Are they are large as you want? Is fear stopping you? Fear is only an emotion, and not always a rational one at that. Fear has its place, but not as a dream stopper. Fear of black ice so you drive carefully, that’s a good fear. Fear of the snarling dog foaming at the mouth coming towards you, that’s a good fear. Fear of taking dance lessons? Not really a good fear. Fear of going to France? Not really a good fear. Could something awful happen in a foreign land where you don’t know anyone and you don’t speak the language? Why, yes, bad things could happen, including things that wouldn’t happen in your native country. But, you can take precautions against those bad things, just like you take precautions against black ice and rabid dogs. Don’t let it stop you from going to France or joining a choir or finishing your degree.

Small dreams come true. But, you know what? So do big dreams. And if your dreams are going to come true, which would you rather have? Face your fears, slay your dragons, find your treasure, build your Future. You can do this.

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