Monday, May 19, 2008

When Life Changes

It can be difficult when life changes. Sometimes it's very easy, especially when you don't bother changing along with it. That's what happened to me recently. I have a job that used to be very much a "hurry up and wait" job. I'd get through all of my work and send it on it's way and then I would wait for more work to come in. It gave me plenty of time to write, read, and work on my blog. Then one person began preparing to leave and another person's job description altered, and their duties became mine. Now, instead of getting all my work done in less than a morning, I leave at night with work yet undone. There was suddenly a lot less time to read, write, or blog. Yet, I didn't alter what I did in the evenings and weekends, and a lot less important stuff continued to get done like it always did, but other things fell by the wayside. I'm re-rearranging my life to have the good and important as well as the fun.

When life changes, you have to change with it, if you want to continue shaping your Future. Life is more than willing to be the designer, creator, and judge of your Future, if you let it. To create your Future, you're going to have to adapt to your present, because only if you acknowledge what's real in your life can you make conscious changes instead of allowing life to change you.

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