Monday, December 01, 2008

My Life, My Definition

More than having sexual relations with both genders, bisexuality is a mind frame, a reference point from which to view the world. Being bisexual has more to do with potential than actuality. – Amanda Yoshizaki

The other day, someone told me that he believed that bisexuals needed to have relationships with both genders to actually be bisexual. Huh. I asked him if that meant that all virgins were asexual since they weren’t having sexual relationships with anyone, or if someone is between relationships with someone that they were asexual. He didn’t really have an answer for that but just fell back onto his same argument.

After arguing with him for a little bit, I dropped it and shrugged him off. He doesn’t get to define me. He can go ahead with his singular definition of bisexual and insist that I’m not who I say I am, but that’s his problem, his issue. Me, I’m bisexual by my definition, and in my life, that’s the one that counts.

Don’t let anyone discount you or belittle you because you don’t live up or down to their narrow view of the world. If you believe you are something by your definition of it, then you go be it and be the best you can be. And if someone disagrees, shrug them off the best they can. Let them have their narrow world view. You’ll take reality.

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