Monday, March 31, 2008

Negative Knick-knacks

Things have an energy about them. Why else do people keep mementoes? “To remind us” people so. And what’s a memory except energy? Not everyone gets the same feeling from an object as other people do. That’s why there are Elvis commemorative plates and baby angel statuettes and music boxes and many, many other things – because different people get positive feelings from different objects.

However, there are some objects that give you a negative feeling. Again, they are reminders of something that you don’t like. Get rid of them. Seriously. Toss them, burn them, tear them up, give them to charity, hand them over to the neighborhood rummage sale. Just get those reminders of bad times and bad things out of your house and out of your head. And if you say, “But so-and-so will be so upset if I get rid of it, so hurt!”, then you’re going to have to ask yourself why so-and-so’s opinion is more important than yours on what should be in your house.

Some examples – not all of these are negative for everyone, but they can be for others:

An unflattering picture of you. If you have a picture of you that makes you look fat or ugly, why do you keep it? Get rid of it and get some pictures that flatter you.

A postcard from Hawaii. You had a miserable time. You caught pneumonia while you were there and stayed indoors the entire two weeks. Every time you see that postcard, you remember the misery of being ill. Toss the thing.

The lamp. Your ex-mother-in-law gave it to you. You have never liked it, and for some reason your ex-husband didn’t take it with him when he left. The only reason you still have it is because it’s exquisite, beautiful, and expensive-looking. So what? Get rid of it. Give it to someone who’ll remember you for giving it and won’t know its “deep dark” past.

The sweater. Your late wife wore that sweater whenever it was cold. Every time you see it, you cry and wish she was still here. Find something else to remember her by. Something that makes you smile, not cry. Your memories of her shouldn’t be tainted by sorrow.

Your wedding dress from two marriages ago.
Clothes three sizes too small that claim that you’re fat.
Clothes three sizes too big that remind you you used to be fat.
Three dozen porcelain pigs that you don’t like but that friends gave you because you have a pig collection.

You get the point. Make your home your haven, your base of operations, your launch pad for your Future. Get rid of the negative stuff. You don’t need it any more. Fill your home with positive things that make you happy so you can fill your Future with happiness.

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