Friday, July 04, 2008

Silk on a Goat

Put silk on a goat, and it is still a goat. – Irish saying

We've been talking about habits. Some people will say, "Sure, I smoke, but at least I don't drink." Or, "Sure I drink, but not during the week." "Sure I cheat, but I don't flaunt it." Or some other thing.

It's a bad habit. It's something you know you shouldn't be doing, or else you wouldn't be making excuses for it. You don't have to make excuses for doing the right thing. Your bad habit may not be the worst thing that you could be doing, but it certainly ain't the best thing.

A goat in silk is still a goat. A bad habit that isn't the worst thing, is still a bad habit. How many goats do you have in your future? Your choice.

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