Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Heaven of Hell

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell or a Hell of Heaven. – John Milton

This goes right along with the paper cut people and the worthless muck. Paper cut people make a hell of heaven wherever they go. People stuck in muck cannot see the heaven around them, and thus believe themselves in hell. You don’t have to do this.

Some people rise above their circumstances. They were born in horrendous situations, had crippling events happen to them in their life, and yet they come out the other side and become Secretary of State, President, doctors, millionaires, and so on and so forth. They make a heaven of hell. You can, too.

“But how? How, how how?” It’s not always easy. Attitude, first and foremost, and sometimes this is the toughest thing. You have to believe that it is possible for your situation, right now, as it is, to be heaven, or at the very least to be the road to heaven. This can be incredibly tough, but if you pretend to believe it, you will believe it eventually.

Then, once you believe that you are at least on the road to heaven, you make your way easier, smoother, and prettier. You cut away the dead wood and the rotten debris. You know what these things are in your life, even if you don’t want to admit it.

Once you get rid of the wrong, you start moving the stones out of your way and planting the flowers to make your time pass with more beauty. These include taking care of things that need to be done, adding things of value to your life, and smiling more often.

As your path becomes clearer and more beautiful, you are on your way to heaven, because you choose to do so and because you are willing to do what it takes. You can make a heaven of hell, if you are willing.

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