Friday, September 05, 2008

Nothing Worth While

It is the feeling that nothing is worth while that makes men ill and unhappy. – Dr. Harold W Dodds

Despair, hopelessness, depression – all are forms of the belief that nothing is worth while. They all suck. Since they all suck, they are all trying to suck you into their murky, sticky depths. Don’t choose to go in there. You might not be able to help it in some cases, but there’s no reason to jump in with both feet.

When we’re in the depths of despair, hopelessness, depression – the muck, sometimes it just takes a single worth while thing to give you a life line out. If something – anything – is worth while, then life is worth while. It has to be, because without life, this something could not exist, or at the very least, your perception of it could not exist. If life is then worth while, then living is worth while, which makes a whole lot of other things worth while, too. Realize this and shape your present and Future to bring these worth while things into your life and the lives of others.

If you need a little help with your life line, here are some little things that a lot of people believe are worth while:
Children’s laughter
Children smiling
A cool breeze on a warm day
Fresh air
A great movie
A great book
The beach at sunset
Anywhere at sunset
Cloud watching
The smell of fresh cut grass
Make your own list when you’re not stuck in the muck, so that when you are caught, you can quickly pick up a life line again.

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