Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Inspiration (2)

Lighting your own light, letting your own beacon shine, this will then inspire others who will inspire others who will inspire others. – Lazaris

I’ve been doing this for about two years now, and I’ve gotten about 5 comments. This has been very discouraging at times, but I still do it. Why? In part, because I don’t know what kind of effect I’m having on others. What I say may be exactly what someone else needs to hear at that time in their life, whether they ever tell me that or not. I cannot count the number of times that I have gained inspiration or energy from another’s words, yet I’ve never told them. That I’ve gained inspiration from others’ words should be apparent by how many posts have quotes. A good many of them are inspired by the quotes I use.

One of the quotes I’ve used was said by a guy to his daughter when she was 8. She’s an adult now, and she mentioned it on an e-mail list I’m on. This in turn became a post that I’ve given to you. Now, did that guy, years and years ago, think that his words would go on to inspire a blogger and perhaps that blogger’s readers? I doubt it, yet that’s what has happened.

You don’t know what kind of an inspiration you can be, because you never know when someone’s going to lift their head out of their own misery and see you. Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to see another’s, but we do see now and again. Become a light, become an inspiration, even if you never know the effect you’ll have. Just by being a light, you will brighten your own life, and that is worth it by itself. But you just may have that light shine on for generations to come.

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