Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. I read this book perhaps a decade ago. I read it again about five years ago. This past summer, I bought a copy, and it now resides on my bookshelf for me to pick up and leaf through whenever I want. I recommend this book. It has a lot of statistics, but it also has a lot of examples and stories. If you don’t like statistics or if you don’t like stories, you could still enjoy this book. Just skip over the parts you don’t like. I recommend this book. It’s an eye-opener about who really is a millionaire and what they really do. It also has a lot of excellent suggestions about how to become a millionaire yourself. Have I become a millionaire in the past 10 years since I read it? No, but I don’t always practice what I know is best for me. However, I’m closer to it than a lot of my friends, and I fully intend to get there, and this book will help.

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