Friday, July 03, 2009

The 6 Month Challenge

It’s been less than 2 weeks since I decided to take up this challenge, and already my perspective is shifting. So many things that had been interesting before are not interesting now. Because I’m not spending a ton of energy on spinning my wheels or my head, I am fidgety a lot more often, having “nothing” to do. There is plenty I could do, without it making a change to my life. I’ve thought of several that are actually appealing. But the main focus of this challenge is to relax and give myself a chance to rest. That doesn’t mean I can’t multitask.

One thing I’m thinking about doing is clearing out some old projects. I have a blanket that I’ve been crocheting (allegedly) for several years now. Sure, I’ve got plenty of excuses, but it’s been sitting in various spots in my various homes, not getting done. Well, if I’m not going to introduce something new in my life, how about taking care of something old? I have about half a shelf of books that I mean to read but haven’t gotten to. I have a few novels I’ve written that could do with another re-drafting, rather than writing yet another new one. Cleaning up these bits of stuck energy will give me more time and space for other things once I am ready to introduce more new things in my life.

Another thing I’m going to do is not worry about my exercise routine. The week before I took up the challenge, I just started a new exercise routine. It isn’t optimal. It’s not ideal, and it’s much too young for me to notice whether or not it’s doing any good yet. But, I’m not going to worry about it, and I’m not going to berate myself about it. This is what it is for the next six months, and that’s that. I’m going to apply the same thinking to my home decorating, with (again) the decision I made shortly before taking the challenge. I had a major life change recently, and as a result, I’d like to make severe alterations to my décor, but I’m just going to chill, let myself work through the turbulent emotions, and see what I come out with on the other side.

Another thing I’m going to do is enjoy my job and its benefits and not worry about fulfilling my destiny just yet. At the same time, I’m going to take that list of 20+ career ideas that I’ve made and actually do some research on them. Before, I was so busy looking for the right thing and trying to find something that sounded good, that I was too busy to actually take a realistic look at these ideas and see whether the substance of the job was as pretty as the package.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m still working on my Future. I’m not stopping anything I’ve got going that’s beneficial to me and my Future. I’m still writing. I’m still taking care of my health. I’m still improving my relationships with my friends and family. I’m still doing all kinds of things. But, I’m now working on those things I’m doing rather than juggling too many things at the same time.

Of course, this is two weeks in. In another month, I could be going stir crazy. But, if so, I’ll take care of that then.

If you decide to try this yourself, if you’ve just come out the other side of a whirlwind of change, I advise you to add in the caveat that my friend did. If the perfect X drops in your lap, go ahead and take it. Don’t go looking for it, but if it’s offered up to you on a silver platter, then grab it.

Good luck to you, and good luck to me.

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