Monday, July 06, 2009

The Challenge and House Hunting

I’ve been looking for a house. I’ve always wanted a house of my own. Not a condo or a duplex, but a house with a small bit of land that is mine and no neighbors touching my walls. I started looking for houses shortly after I left my last living situation. I’m still looking, but with the challenge, there’s a twist. In America this year, you get a tax break if you buy a home before December 1, with certain restrictions. Add to that my desire for new, new, new, without appreciating the current, and I was looking with more vigor than I was sure I wanted to. But, with the challenge and its caveat, I’ve changed my attitude.

I’m still looking, but if it’s not right, that’s just fine. I don’t have to find something in time for the tax break. I don’t have to scrutinize and worry about every listing the realtor sends me. If I find the perfect house (the X in this case), great. I’ll try to buy it. But if I don’t, that’s fine, too. I’m getting a great education out of it. I’m learning a lot about what kind of house I’m looking for, what I’d be willing to accept in a home in terms of improvements I’d have to make in order to get it right for me, and what I really feel good about financially. Since the challenge, my attitude has shifted from hunting for a home to enjoying the learning experience. Fortunately for me, my realtor is fine with that, and she enjoys showing homes, even if I don’t buy just yet.

Buying the home became less important, so looking for a home became more enjoyable.

How about you? Is there anything in your life where the importance of the goal is making the journey painful or unpleasant? I like it best when both the goal and the journey can be enjoyed. In my Future, I’m going to have more journeys.

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