Monday, June 23, 2008

Bad Habits and Addictions

Habits you can’t control are addictions. Smoking is a great example. If you always light up after a meal (or sex), and you get anxious if you can’t, that’s an addiction. Even if you’ve had a cigarette just before you ate and still have plenty of nicotine in your system, if you need another cigarette after the meal simply because it is after the meal, then you have an addiction. And addictions, my friend, will control your Future whether you want them to or not.
Because addictions insist on being a part of your Future, no matter what else is there. They will crowd out other things and take their “rightful” place in your Future unless you kick them out of your life. If you want to create your Future, then do so. Be forewarned that your addictions are creating parts of it, too.
How do you get rid of a bad habit or an addiction? The same way you got into it – you create a habit. If your addiction is partially physical, such as with the nicotine in tobacco, or with alcohol, or with other drugs, then you may need to get some physical help. Get that help while at the same time you create your habit of not doing whatever it is you’re kicking out of your life.
If your habit is to eat two donuts every morning, give yourself something else to do. Do not try to just stop and not fill the void. A void is a powerful thing, and it will call to you, beckoning to you to refill it with your old habit because that’s what you’ve done in the past. You have to fill that void with something else, create a new habit. For some, you could jog instead. The endorphins released by jogging may give you a sufficient boost you don’t need the sugar from the donuts. Or you could eat something else, something satisfying in a different way. I do not suggest carrot or celery sticks unless you really, really love them. Try fruit or yogurt or toast with jelly, something that will give your sweet tooth a bit of a taste yet still be better for you than the donuts.
It could be that you get the donuts for some other reason than a sugar high or a sweet tooth. Maybe you eat two donuts every morning because you stop off at the bakery or diner each morning, and that’s what you order. Change your order. Find something else that they sell that you like. Or, if you really want to get nuts, don’t go there. That could be really tough, because you may have friends there that you chat with, or the smells are so good as you walk past it. It’ll get easier, though, every time you do this new thing, the new habit instead of the old. Each time you make the change, you reinforce the habit, just like you did every time you ate the donuts. And you know how strong habits can be. Make them work for you instead of against you.

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