Friday, June 20, 2008

Habits, Part 1

Habits are tools and sometimes straightjackets. There are good habits, bad habits, inoffensive habits, obnoxious habits. Everyone has habits. A life without habits would be too difficult in the current world / society. I’m talking about more than just the skills you learn like walking and driving. These things take a lot of practice in order to do them on autopilot, just like habits, but skills are tools you can pick up and put down as you need them. Habits are more than that.
Habits start out either intentionally or unintentionally. By that, I mean that either you intend for them to be a habit or you don’t. And the lines of good versus bad habits aren’t the same as intentional versus unintentional, though intentional and good overlap by a great deal, as do bad and unintentional. Hmm, maybe I can clarify that a bit.
Most intentional habits are good habits to have – studying every Wednesday at 8, jogging in the mornings, bringing a bag lunch to work rather than ordering pizza. Most good habits were started because people wanted to start them. “I really should exercise more.” “I should eat better and lose some of this weight the doctor’s been on me about.” “I really want to do well in this class. I’d bet study.”
Likewise, most unintentional habits are bad, and many bad habits aren’t started intentionally. You just don’t realize they’re a habit until you try to stop. Smoking, eating while watching TV, gossiping are all examples.
But, you also have the unintentional good habits - brushing your teeth, wearing your seatbelt, things you learned as a kid without really thinking about them.
Unfortunately, some people also have intentional bad habits. Fortunately, I don’t know a whole lot of “bad” people, so examples aren’t popping into my head. But, I have great respect for the vastness of human creativity. I’m sure there are some people out there who have intentionally started a habit that hurts themselves or others.
But what does that have to do with creating your Future? Everything! In coming posts, I’ll explain.

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