Saturday, June 07, 2008

I Could Do Anything

I Could do Anything...if I Only Knew What It Was: How to discover what you really want and how to get it by Barbara Sher. This is a worthwhile book to read, and it will be very helpful to any of you who don't know what you want in your Future. It's more difficult to create a Future if you don't know what you want it to look like. This is the second time I've read it, and it's still of interest to me. The later chapters are each devoted to a different kind of "stuck", but it's worthwhile to read the entire book. Even if you're mainly a chapter 10, there could be bits of you in chapters 5 or 13 or any of the others. Or you may find someone you know and it could help you with dealing with them (and if you don't know a "rager", congratulations, that must be nice). One of the things I like about this book over the last one I reviewed is that this one contains exercises that help you discover what you really want as well as exercises to help you get over the block. The Tomorrow Trap only told you how to figure out what's blocking you. I Could Do Anything also tells you what to do about it. The only frustrating part about it is that the Success Teams discussed sound great, but there are none in my area, and I'm still a little too shy to create one of my own.

All in all, a good book.

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