Friday, June 06, 2008

A Million Things

There are a million things in this universe you can have, and there are a million things you can’t have. It’s no fun facing that, but that’s the way things are – Captain Kirk, “Star Trek”

The glass is both half full and half empty. There are a million good things about this world and a million bad. Where's your head at, though? Seeing just the good but not the bad is looking through rose colored glasses. Seeing just the bad and not the good is pessimism at its worst. You need to see them both but focus on the positive. Why? Because seeing them both and focusing on the negative is a sucky way to live. Now, you're entitled to live your life any way you want, and if you want to throw your energy away into the unending abyss that is the negative portion of the world, that's your business. But if you want to build your Future, you just might want to keep a little bit of that energy for yourself.

Another "count your blessings" lesson? No. That's a great way to get yourself enough energy to begin getting out of the abyss, but it only takes you to the surface. If you want to soar, you've got to do a little bit more.

First, acknowledge that there are good things in the world and bad things. That's a tough lesson for some people. I have attracted some incredibly negative people into my life. I'm not sure how or why. Maybe everyone has them. But, these people believe that life sucks, their life in particular sucks, their past sucks, their present sucks, and everything in their future sucks, too. And don't even bother to try to talk them out of it. They'll just look at you sadly and shake their heads. "Another dupe," they think. They generally don't have good lives, mainly because they refuse to try to have a good life, even when it's within reach. To them, everything's a million to one shot - one million bad things to every one good.

Second, do what you can about the bad things and then let it go. You can't stop your neighbor from gossiping. You can't shorten your commute without changing your job or your home. There's a lot of things you just can't do anything about. And there's a lot of other things you can do some things about, but not enough to change them from bad to good, just from incredibly bad to merely bad.

Third, do what you want and what you can with the good things. Make them your focus. Over the weekend, you need to do the laundry, but that doesn't mean your whole weekend is shot. Yes, the guy in the cubicle next to yours is loud when he's making personal calls, but the rest of your job is great. Don't let laundry ruin your weekend, don't let your coworker ruin your job.

Keep your focus on the million things you can have in your Future, not on the million you can't. You can make a really sweet life with a million things.

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