Monday, March 16, 2009

Define Living

How do you define living? Have you ever defined living? A lot of the most radical people have defined it. Some of the most radical people haven’t and are merely reacting. Reacting is an action verb, like living, but it isn’t quite living. So what is living?

You put some people in a 40-hour-a-week desk job, and they will thrive. Some will trudge along sullenly. Some will outright rebel. For some people, that is part of the definition of living. For some it is part of the definition of death. My definition of living includes walks outdoors and reading. And friends. Most definitely friends. Yours may not. But if my definition and your definition are different, then how do you know if you’re living? That’s kinda my point. Or rather, that’s almost exactly my point.

You have to figure out what living means to you, preferably before a crisis, because a crisis is a really lousy time to start thinking about the meaning of life. People can get a little crazy around a crisis, and we shouldn’t all get crazy at the same time. What is necessary for your life? Is it comfort? Creativity? Novelty? Friends? Solitude? Security? Risk? Family? What makes you feel alive inside? What makes your eyes dance and your breathing easy and free? Figure out what makes you alive rather than merely surviving, and bring more of it into your Future. Create a Living Future, for you deserve that.

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