Friday, April 04, 2008

More Love

How do you put more love in the world, in your present, in your Future? By loving. By performing loving acts, by saying loving things, and by refusing love’s two opposites – hate and apathy. Love is a positive passion. Hate is a negative passion. Apathy is a lack of passion. Of the three, go for love.

I don’t mean cutesy-wootsey stuff like baby talk and red hearts trimmed in lace and false compliments. I mean actual loving things. I mean asking “how’s your day” and then listening to the answer. I mean taking out the garbage when it needs to be taken out, even if it isn’t your turn, because you love yourself enough to have a house that isn’t full of garbage. I mean saying no when you mean no, because that’s loving yourself enough not to commit to something you don’t want and loving the other person enough to be honest with them. I mean giving to charity without complaints. I mean mowing your neighbor’s lawn when they’re sick just to be nice. I mean doing nice things in nice ways to yourself and the people around you.

Yes, I do mean that you need to love yourself more. I am not talking about masturbation or any other type of sexual love. Treat yourself and others with kindness, with respect, with honesty, and with attention. Pay attention to yourself and to others. Be kind to yourself and others. Be respectful to yourself and others. Be honest with yourself and others. And if you don’t know how to do those things, keep reading.

To be kind, give yourself a break when you need a break. Don’t say bad things about yourself. Compliment yourself when you deserve it. Take care of your body and your health.

To pay attention, listen when someone is talking. Don’t do something else, too. Stop what you’re doing, turn to the person, and give them your attention. To pay attention to yourself, give your thoughts enough time to find out – am I tired, do I need a break, am I hungry, is something making me anxious and if so what?

To respect, be honest, give deserved compliments, do not criticize without cause, do not gossip, use a neutral tone of voice – not yelling or patronizing. Unfortunately, in this society, it’s much easier to come up with “do not” examples of how to respect than “do”.

To be honest, tell the truth. Do not gossip, even if you believe it to be true. There is almost no way you can know the whole story. Say no when you mean no. Say yes when you mean yes. Give your honest opinion when asked for it, though if you get into a situation where honesty would actually hurt you (like your boss is a baby who cannot handle the truth), be as diplomatic as possible and find a new situation. You don’t have to be brutal about things, but don’t lie.

Love yourself, love others, and more love will be in this world.

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