Saturday, April 12, 2008

More Peace

Once again, the change you want in the world begins with you. Well, I don’t go around killing or mugging people. I don’t start wars or blow up buildings. I’m peaceful, right?

Not really. I am currently more peaceful now than I have ever been, but I have quite a ways to go to get to as peaceful as I want to be. Peace is more than just a lack of violence. Peace is also about calm and tranquility. Peace is about being able to sit down and do nothing for a little bit. Peace is about being able to handle the alleged crises that come into your life in such a way that people are glad you’re there.

Meditation doesn’t work for everyone, but it is a great way to obtain and maintain inner peace for those who use it. Tai chi is also good for this. Many methodical and repetitive things work well. Knitting, gardening, shooting hoops for fun (not competition), taking a walk, going on a bike ride. Things that help you adjust your inner thoughts and churning stomach (or knotted shoulders or tapping toes) are good for peace.

Allow yourself to relax, really relax. When you’re on the couch watching the TV, don’t stress and strain. Let yourself really sink into the couch. Use pillows instead of muscles to prop you up. Watch something agreeable and entertaining rather than loud and annoying (yes, people intentionally watch annoying things – especially political shows). Allow yourself to get out of the tension that has been sitting on you for so long.

People are grateful for the peaceful people in their lives. The noisy and tension-producing ones just get more talk because it’s more entertaining to complain in this society, and tension is more photogenic than peace on the TV. Don’t be fooled by what you see and hear, though. Peaceful people do a lot of good, and you can be one of those people. So could I. I wish all of us luck in that.

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