Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Serpent Slayer

The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women by Katrin Tchana and Trina Schart Hyman is an excellent book. I started this blog talking about a book that disgusted me because of its sexism. Some people who see or read this book will claim that this book is as sexist as that one. Perhaps, but not in my opinion. No where in this book does it say men are less than women or beneath them or not as good or any other negative implication. What it does say is that women can be great. It’s a story book filled with fairy tales from around the world, each one with a woman who is strong or clever or both and does what needs to be done. They are well told and do not pander. Fairy god mothers do not always give away wishes. Princes are not always the rescuers. There are plenty of books around that have the men or a supernatural force make the girl’s life amazing. In this book, the girl does it herself, and I like that.

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