Monday, April 07, 2008

The Small Business Millionaire

The Small Business Millionaire by Steve Chandler and Sam Beckford is a story that tells about a millionaire who helps a struggling family restaurant turn around their finances. If you’re in a small business, it could be of use to you. I am not, but the title intrigued me, and I intend to be a millionaire some day, so I can use all the good advice I can get. The two things that I got out of this (and a discussion with my husband) are go for great and commit to what you want. The family in the story was rather wishy washy. They wanted more customers, but they weren’t sure what to do to get them. So they kept doing the same useless things over and over. And since they felt helpless, they decided they’d take any customers that came in the door rather than go after the good customers. After all, they figured, who were they to go after the good customers when they owed so much money? As for commitment, the daughter isn’t fully committed at first, and the father quits part way through the book. Fortunately, they both learn the lessons from the self-taught millionaire customer who loves Magnum P.I. and manage to turn their restaurant around.

If you have a small business, read it and glean the lessons (there’s a chart towards the end) and also read the rest of this post. If you don’t have a small business, then just read the rest of this post.

You are worth more than you think. You are wonderful and absolutely amazing. You are incredible, and in the entire history of mankind, there never has been nor will there ever be someone like you. It’s not “who am I to go for the gusto” but rather who are you to say ‘screw you, universe’ and waste your life on mediocrity? If someone’s told you you’re not good enough for the good life, dump them. Get them out of your life. And if it’s you that’s been telling you that, get that voice out of your head and kick it to the curb. You’re amazing, and you deserve great things, so go after them.

Just to make something clear – you do not deserve great things without any effort on your part. The universe owes you nothing. It gave you life, this world, and consciousness enough to see the opportunities that abound around you. The rest is up to you.

Commit to what you want. First, figure out what you want, and then go for it. And don’t give up until you get it or realize that you truly don’t want it. And not in that sour grapes sort of way where you try, you fail, and you state that you didn’t want it in the first place. Don’t lie. You wanted it. If, however, you learn more about this thing – job, person, house, situation – that you want and learn that it is not for you, then cut your losses and move on. Just don’t lie to yourself.

You deserve wonderful things, you are good enough for wonderful things, so figure out which wonderful things you want and go for them.

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